
Fearless against phishing, scams and rug pulls.

Wallet Armor is a cutting-edge asset security platform that employs secure RPC technology to scrutinize transactions and incorporates a dual-confirmation mechanism for enhanced security.

Here are the key features of the platform:

  1. Secure RPC: Wallet Armor grants users access to a dedicated mainnet secure RPC, utilizing a whitelist mechanism to filter and protect transactions. Supported by BlockSec's powerful security engine and anti-phishing measures, our secure RPC can detect various threats such as address contamination and authorization phishing, intercepting transactions promptly and notifying users. Transactions processed through secure RPC undergo simulation to predict outcomes and are either intercepted for secondary confirmation or approved based on their impact on user assets.

  2. Intelligent Address Scanning: Leveraging BlockSec’s security engine and anti-phishing capabilities, Wallet Armor scans counterparty addresses associated with user transactions, filtering out malicious or phishing addresses and providing a thoughtful list of candidate trusted addresses.

  3. Multi-Wallet/Multi-Address Support: Our secure RPC is compatible with any wallet that allows custom RPC settings, including MetaMask. Wallets configured with our secure RPC benefit from enhanced protection; all transactions initiated from these wallets are safeguarded, and the originating addresses are included in the protected list.

  4. Real-Time Notifications: Wallet Armor alerts users to intercepted transactions and detected threats through email, Telegram, and other communication channels, ensuring timely actions to secure assets.

  5. Flexible Security Options: To accommodate the needs of Degen users, specific addresses can be exempt from scrutiny, enabling seamless protection without compromise.

  6. Privacy Protection: Users have the option to drop intercepted transactions to prevent replay attacks, with the platform maintaining strict privacy of transaction data.

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